Monday, August 29, 2011

Portable X-Ray Machine Interfering with CDMA DAS at TFC-BJC Campus

There are series of e-mails that came down to us from Chris Mossengren. I had over 30 e-mails in the thread, but only showing just the pertinent parts.

[Wireless Planning in the Health Care Environment by Laura Fontaine. This is a very good source of information for the health care environment.]

Problem Statement:
From Amanda Lutz (Supervisor, 2nd Floor/OR Radiology) via Chris Mossengren :
We have the new Sanyo 2700 phones for our technologists to use while they are out performing portable x-rays in the hospital (South).  However, we are having issues with reception.  Today, our technologists are having a hard time throughout the hospital.  It is very difficult to hear them and for them to hear us.  Another technologist has been unable to get any reception in 84ICU and has to use the desk phone to call us.

Possible cause of problem:
From Abu to Chris:
Chris, The problem could be very well with portable X-Rays machine. These are in an enclosure where they will not receive any signal, and I believe that's the reason they are having problem wherever they take that portable X-Ray. They are also probably talking to someone who is in a room surrounded by lead wall which also hinders RF signal. As for next action item... we can talk to Amanda Lutz and find out more information.

From Chris again:
I think it would be best if we could have someone shadow the radiology folks (Amanda's team) to see what is happening.  I dispatched one of my project champions over to these locations with a CDMA device and she doesn't see any trouble.  Similarly to Abu, I now think there are certain behaviors RAD may be doing that prevents the signal from reaching their phones.

From Cindy via Chris: [Note that Cindy indicates she did not find any problem.]

Kevin also went with the radiologist tech and she could not recreate the problem. Kevin also indicated that on the higher floors in the rooms on the edge, we saw some pilot pollution. RF Engineer (Jacob Zipprich) from local market came in and added some of those sites in the neighbor list and resolved some of the issues at those rooms.

So it appears that portable X-Ray machine is interfering with the system. There could be also pilot pollution issues in some of the higher floors. 

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